Tailoring education

Innovation Zones

Innovation zones offer educator-driven, tailored educational experiences within the public school system, blending autonomy, accountability, and essential district services in pursuit of equitable, high quality success for students.

Why Innovation Zones?

Innovation zones were founded on a simple idea - giving educators and schools more autonomy allows them the flexibility to better meet students’ needs.

Innovation Zones address challenges within the public education system by emphasizing student outcomes, teacher empowerment, and community insight. With freedom from typical district constraints, these zones of public schools prioritize: 

  • Deep community-engaged, student-focused learning.
  • Revitalizing underperforming schools.
  • Strengthening elite educator and administrative teams.
  • Pioneering school models needing unique conditions to flourish.

Proven by 2022's CMAS data, Denver's Innovation Zones surpass both district and charter schools

How do Innovation Zones work?

Colorado’s innovation schools fall between district-run schools, which are the least autonomous, and charter schools, which are the most.

Innovation Zones are groupings of public schools unified by a common vision and flexibility. Pooling resources and expertise, they're governed by a nonprofit board, which includes educators and community leaders. While working under a district agreement, innovation zones waive certain rules and choose which district services to leverage. The idea is that giving schools and educators more autonomy allows them flexibility to better meet students’ needs.

Key Features:

  • Nonprofit board governance, involving educators and the community
  • Resource-sharing to spark innovative teaching and curriculum
  • Autonomous operation within district frameworks
  • Set shared innovation goals aligned with district plans
  • Maintain district safety and facility standards
  • Option to redirect budgets from opted-out state/district services.

Meet Denver’s Innovation Zones

Denver currently has two Innovation Zones comprised of nine innovation schools (23/24 SY). While each Zone is unique, they share the belief that those closest to the students are the ones best equipped to make decisions about resources and manage their schools and classrooms.

Meet the Zones

Denver’s Innovation Zone Timeline

Download the full Denver Innovation Zone timeline

Legislation in Support of Innovation

2022 marked a significant advancement for Innovation Zones in Colorado. With Lyra’s backing, Senate Bill 22-197 was passed. This legislation, focusing on innovation zones with alternative governance, sets a transparent and equitable procedure for resolving conflicts between local school boards and Innovation Zone schools. This legislation builds on the original 2008 Innovation Schools Act

Lyra’s Role Accelerating Innovation Zones

Building off of the work of local funder Gates Family Foundation, since 2019 Lyra has supported the ideation, launch, and sustaining of three innovation zones within Denver Public Schools and led the drafting and passing of rights-protecting legislation in Colorado.

Lyra’s Role

Building off of the work of local funder Gates Family Foundation, since 2019 Lyra has supported the ideation, launch, and sustaining of three innovation zones within Denver Public Schools and led the drafting and passing of rights-protecting legislation in Colorado.


We advance the policy conditions necessary for Innovation Zones to thrive through protective legislation like Senate Bill 22-197.


We elevate success stories, advocate with regional and state leaders, and foster community understanding.


We ensure Innovation Zones’ financial sustainability and assist with fundraising efforts.

Community Connection

We promote the concepts of innovation and protected autonomies statewide.


We advocate for and serve as a strategic thought partner to Denver's Innovation Zone leaders.

"Lyra was an instrumental partner to Fort Lewis College and SWCEC in designing and launching the Environment and Climate Institute, an annual program housed at FLC that serves students in southwest Colorado to undertake projects related to the environment. Lyra also worked with us to secure Colorado’s largest RISE grant, which was critical funding in the purchase of an environmental mobile learning lab and the early design of regional college and career environmental pathways."

Tom Stritikus

President, Fort Lewis College

“Beginning with the Environment and Climate Institute at Fort Lewis College and, most recently, at the 2023 National Forum for Advancing Rural Education, Lyra has played a critical role in developing my understanding of environment, rural education, and sense of place. This has gone on to foster deep passions not only for the natural world and rural education, but also for advocacy, intellectual curiosity, and a multidisciplinary approach to the issues that impact humanity most deeply.”

Royce Hinojosa

Student at Environment & Climate Institute, SWCEC

“We have appreciated working with Lyra in our rural community.  Lyra is not afraid to try new concepts and build upon those that are successful.  The Granary Climate Innovation project and Griptape is an excellent example of how Lyra is energizing collaboration in learning to enable better outcomes for the next generation.”

Tammie and Patrick Delany

Owners, The Granary

Get Involved

Innovation Zones have demonstrated the power of a different kind of public school governance model to support the success of young people.

Interested in exploring whether this model might make sense for your education community?

Let's Talk