On April 10, the Denver Public School board of directors voted 5-2 to revoke innovation status for one of Denver’s three innovation zones, Beacon Network Schools.
As Denver’s innovation zone quarterback, we are deeply disappointed with the district’s decision. Beacon has managed two high performing schools and maintained widespread support from its teachers, students, parents and school communities.
Beacon Parent and Educator Communities Ignored
For months, students, families, and educators at Grant Beacon Middle School and Kepner Beacon Middle School advocated for their zone. The recommendation to remove the innovation zone status was 100% rejected by school staff, but their voices were ignored by district administration. Parents have also spoken out on behalf of Beacon for their one-on-one support with teachers and access to outside programs, technology and extra-curriculars, as well as BNS’ welcoming nature that you can’t find at most public schools. Without the innovation zone, valid concerns arise about the future of their schools and whether they will be able to continue offering the same levels of support to students.
Failure to Collaborate
Furthermore, we believe the district lacked evidence and plans to prove the schools in the Beacon Network would perform better under district management. The board missed discussing the broader value that innovation zones provide. The superintendent's and board's actions set a precedent for imposing change instead of partnering with communities to find solutions.
Where From Here?
Lyra has been a longtime supporter of Beacon, providing strategic, fundraising and communications support.
Regarding the revocation decision, we will support the BNS board and leadership in pursuing a state board review of the DPS decision which is outlined in Senate Bill 22-197. We intend to hold Denver Public Schools accountable and will continue advocating for autonomy in partnership with innovation zones, schools, and community organizations in order to maintain the best learning environments in Denver.